Tai Chi Balance, learn Tai Chi in Belgrade or online

Tai Chi Balance


Balance. Tai chi improves balance and, according to some studies, reduces falls. Proprioception — the ability to sense the position of one’s body in space — declines with age. Tai chi helps train this sense, which is a function of sensory neurons in the inner ear and stretch receptors in the muscles and ligaments. Tai chi also improves muscle strength and flexibility, which makes it easier to recover from a stumble. Fear of falling can make you more likely to fall; some studies have found that tai chi training helps reduce that fear.

More information about Tai Chi Health on this link Health benefits


How Tai Chi helps to improve balance?
   Tai Chi, a philosophy that originated in China several cen-
turies ago, has gained the status of a cultural-historical trea-
sure. Tai Chi Chuan is the martial art aspect of Tai Chi
philosophy. Despite the various interpretations of the history
of Tai Chi,current consensus indicates that the 3 main styles
of Tai Chi Chuan are Chen,Yang, and Wu.Yang’s style is the
most commonly found in the United States, followed by the
Chen style. Since a discussion of Tai Chi as a philosophy and
the principles of Tai Chi Chuan are beyond the scope of this
review,the term Tai Chi will be used throughout this review to
denote any derivatives of the main styles of Tai Chi Chuan.
What are Tai Chi objectives?
   The objectives of Tai Chi include harmony of the mind, pro-
motion of health, and attainment of rejuvenation and
longevity.Tai Chi movements can be characterized as slow,
controlled, and continuous weight shifting with various ani-
mal-like postures.However, when Tai Chi is performed with
the intention to fight,the fluid soft forms easily turn into self-
defense or fighting movements.
 3 advantages of Tai Chi
  There are 3 advantages of Tai Chi as an
exercise program for older adults.Firstly,Tai Chi
can be performed by anyone, regardless of age or gender, as
long as the individual is able to stand. Secondly, there is no
need for special equipment or large space. Finally,the length
of each session is flexible according to the individual’s needs
and tolerance. The paucity of qualified instructors in commu-
nity-based or rehabilitation facilities presents a restriction to
its true practice, because the practice of Tai Chi takes years to
develop.Therefore,Tai Chi is performed in a variety of forms
in fitness centers,health care practices,and research studies.2
Studies of the health benefits of Tai Chi have been accu-
mulating slowly over the last decade. Studies have focused
on the cardiorespiratory system, muscular strength,
flexibility,pain,mood,and balance.
 Health care
   Various health care practitioners,such as physicians,nurses,and
occupational and physical therapists,have published reports indi-
cating the benefits of incorporating Tai Chi into their practice,
particularly for older adults. It is critical for physical therapists
working with older adults to be able to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of Tai Chi in geriatric physical therapy practice.
More from this study about Improving Balance

Mindfulness in Matrial Arts

Mindfulness in Tai Chi, Tai Chi Beograd

Mindfulness in Tai Chi

Mindfulness in Matrial Arts – from De-Mystifying Mindfulness, Chris Goto-Jones, Leiden University www.mentalpraxis.com

In various ways, much of the literature about the connections between the cultivation of Mindfulness and the practice of the martial arts or Mindfulness in Tai Chi, rely on more generic connections between Mindfulness and the practice of skilled actions more widely. To some extent, the cultivation of Mindfulness through martial arts emerges as a species of the practice of what we have called (and experienced as) Mindful Movement.

That is, Mindfulness in Tai Chi the martial arts, like Mindfulness in yoga or qi-gong (or simply while stretching, walking, or climbing a mountain), involves bringing our attention into the particular sensations of the present moment as our bodies work to perform specific actions. A punch, a kick, a lock, or a throw is just as legitimate as a site of attention, awareness, and discipline as a yoga pose or a deliberate step. Indeed, like some of these other bodily practices, the martial arts involve some of the same basic tensions with the idea of Mindfulness. We might entertain two of them very briefly: the first is a concern about aspiration and judgement – that is, when we’re performing specific techniques that are cultivated for specific purposes, we quite often find ourselves judging our performance in terms of those purposes.

So, rather than practicing a kick as an opportunity for Mindful action, we quite easily and naturally slip into judging the perfection and effectiveness of the kick as a kick, we berate ourselves for our lack of flexibility, strength, or precision, and then we resolve to practice harder in order to improve. This pattern of ‘discrepancybased thinking’ is exactly the kind of thinking that Mindfulness is supposed to help us to overcome. So it’s something to which we need to be alert when incorporating Mindfulness into skilled actions of various kinds, not only the martial arts. The second tension revolves around the idea of ‘auto-pilot.’

This contemplative discourse of the martial arts is often concerned with how repeated practice of the same techniques leads to a moment of sublimation of those techniques – that is, our training is a process of constant repetition designed to liberate us from having to pay attention to our actions at all. The goal is precisely to cultivate a form of auto-pilot, as a form of emancipation from our selves. When we have to think carefully about our movements and techniques (as we might in a Mindful Movement exercise) the chances are very low that such techniques will be effective; indeed, to some extent, mastering a martial art means no longer having to pay attention to what your body is doing because it does it all by itself. This interpretation of ‘auto-pilot’ resembles the kind of thinking that Mindfulness is supposed to help us to overcome.

So it’s something to which we need to be alert when incorporating Mindfulness into skilled actions of various kinds, not only the martial arts. Between them, these two concerns contribute to an explanation for why most practitioners who seek to combine Mindfulness and the martial arts tend to prefer the ‘internal’ or ‘soft’ martial arts like Taiji quan, or allied forms like qi-gong, rather than more explosive styles like Karate or Taekwondo. Indeed, in general, martial arts that emphasis the cultivation of ‘qi’ (or ki) seem to lend themselves especially well to Mindfulness, since it is believed that the flow of qi in our bodies follows the flow of our attention. Hence, an exercise like the body-scan, for instance, might also be a means to lead qi throughout our entire bodies.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong morning classes in Belgrade, city center

5.Vežba – Levitiramo da bi smo dostigli unutrašnju vatru
Shaoyang – stopalo, DAIMAI (pojasni)  DRVO-ljutnja- Meridijan žuči – jang
Ide spoljašnjom stranom u predelu bubrega sve do Jiyie tačke sa strane rebara i sirkuliše kroz telo. Reguliše pojasni meridijan. Slabost ukazuje na zadržavanje vode u abdomenu.
Meridijan žuči ima silaznu putanju od spoljnog ugla uveta, koje obilzi 3 puta, ide potiljačnom putanjom i preseca vratne pršljenove, preko pazuha, pa cik-cak putanjom po bočnoj strani trupa, poljašnjom stranom noge, sve do spoljnog ugla četvrtog nožnog prsta. Žučna kesa čuva i izlučuje bilu koju stvara jetra, tako da svaki problem jetre utiče na žučnu kesu. Problemi koji su vezani za ovaj meridijan su: glavobolje, migrene, ukočenost vrata, vid, bolna ramena, astma, artritis u kukovima ili kolenima, menstrualni problemi i mišićna snaga.
Ide unakrsno kros telo , oči i obraze, vrat i ramena. Brine za bubrege i eliminiše vatru u srcu i dobar je za glavobolju i iritirane oči.

U centru Beograda, prepodnevni termini, Tai Chi i Qi Gong

4.Vežba- Unazad gledamo u klonulost
VODA-strah Taiyang-stopalo, YANGQIAO (petni yang) Meridijan mokraćne bešike – jang
Počinje od pete, ide spoljašnjom yang stranom do Sanyang preko butina uz telo, vrat, obraze do mozga. Glavobolju prouzrokuje višak Qi-a u glavi, nožne vežbe će povući Qi iz glave prema nožnim mišićima i tako smanjiti pritisak u glavi. Slabost ukazuje na previše Yanga i slab Yin Qi. Ovo je podmeridijan nožnog Taiyang meridijana i upravlja levom i desnom stranom Yang meridijana.
Meridijan mokraćne bešike ima silazni tok od ugla obrva, preko glave, zadnjeg dela ledja i nogu sve do malog prsta na stopalu. Nesklad u ovom meridijanu izaziva migrene, izvijanje tela, hladna stopala, kašalj, umor, slab vid, probleme sa sinusima, ukočen vrat i probleme sa kolenima.
Počinje od sredina peta, ide spoljašnjim uglom do Fengci tačke. Utiče na oči, uši, vrat, ramena i tanko crevo. Antivira Yangqiao meridijan i tačku Gauhuang koja se koristi za iznemoglost i unutrašnje povrede.Dobra vežba za imunitet , probija glavni kanal koji zaustavlja oboljenja.

Tai Chi u Beogradu, nove grupe – prepodne ili uveče

Pozivam sve nove polaznike, zainteresovane za rad u malim grupama da nam se priključe u prijatnoj atmosferi u centru Beograda , utorkom i četvrtkom u popodnevnim i prepodnevnim terminima ili ponedeljkom i sredom u prepodnevnom terminu od 9h.
Isidora Milošević, rodjena 1972. u Beogradu, već  više od  petnaest godina uči i podučava Tai Chi i Qi Gong. Dobitnik je zlatne medalje u kategoriji majstora u Milanu 2005 i bronzane medalje u Luganu 2000 godine. Kao instruktor radila je u Turskoj i Španiji i za sobom ostavila veoma uspešne učenike. Predsednik je Internacionalne Kung Fu Fedreacije, Odeljak za Srbiju, internacionalni je sudija i nosilac 6 DAN borilačkih veština. Tokom 2010 boravi na svetoj planini Wu Dang, u Kini,  gde usavršava svoje veštine. U domenu korporacijskog zdravlja vec godinama saradjuje sa kompanijama  Telenor, Holcim, Pfizer, Ikea i mnogim drugim. Takodje je volonterski podučavala stara lica i aktivno pomagala ženska udruženja. Magistar je pozorišne produkcije i diplomirani filolog. Govori nekoliko stranih jezika. Osnivač je holističkog centra Sfera,u kome i danas prenosi svoje dragoceno znanje.