Tai Chi Sfera slavi 10 godina

Tai Chi grupe slave 10 godina postojanja Sfere

Hvala svima koji su bili uz mene tokom ovih 10 godina.Najupornijim polaznicima čestitam na dosadašnjoj istrajnosti koja je neophodna za napredovanje u Tai Chi ‘ju, a novim polaznicima želim da budu strpljivi i vredno vežbaju. Svima želim još mnogo godina zajedničkog druženja kroz Tai Chi, puno zdravlja, smeha i harmonije.

Tai Chi principi u svakodnevnom životu

Radionica “Kako primeniti Tai Chi principe u svakodnevnom životu”, u organizaciji Holističkog centra Sfera i Isidore Milosević biće održana 20. decembra 2014. godine od 14 do 15 časova. Tržni centar Ušće, 2. sprat. lokal Sensa-grad sreće.
Primena osnovnih principa Tai Chi Chuan-a na svakodnevno shvatanje života. Koristi koje možete imati na fizičkom, psihičkom i duhovnom planu ako prihvatite ovaj način razmišljanja. Ovo predavanje može koristiti onima koji već vežbaju Tai Chi ali i onima koji žele da obogate svoje shvatanje života iz jednog novog ugla.
Govoriće se o uspostavljanju harmonije izmedju neba i zemlje kroz ukorenjivanje koje nam pruža stabilnost u životu, zatim o harmoniji jina i janga kroz koju prevazilazimo uspone i padove u životu, o nedelanju ili prisutnosti u sadašnjem trenutku i još mnogo inspirativnih i primenljivih principa.
Tai Chi Beograd

Tai Chi & Qi Gong Workshop, Istanbul, September 2014

5th & 6th September 2014, Istanbul
Tai Chi & Qi Gong Movements for Your Mind, Body & Soul
Holistic concept of ancient Chinese wisdom and exercises is meant to improve the balance of the Yin and Yang energies and help you to stay focused and without stress in everyday life and work. With these light and smooth movements you keep Your Body and Mind healthy, fit, young and fresh. Clean and clear Mind and Body will help you to archive all your private and professional goals without stress and in good will.
Since centuries Tai Chi Chuan is part of the Chinese culture and civilization and now we can say it is necessity for modern people. Our aim is to learn how to stay focused and relaxed at the same time. That is the secret of Taoist martial artist. It is important to understand that we can win hard force with flexibility and to manage stress with energy flow. Become one with the Universe and act always in harmonious way is one of the basic rules in Tai Chi & Qi Gong.
Qi Gong is a traditional Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Qi Gong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is used as a preventative measure as well as a remedy for specific conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that sickness is the result of interrupted, weak or blocked flow of Qi through meridians. The aim of Qi Gong is to give you more energy for self-healing and well being.
Tai Chi is a form of moving meditation. Although Tai Chi’s moves were founded in martial arts it was also devised for maintaining health and helping to treat disease. Its characteristics are the slowness and the fluidity of movements. It is executed with a perfect synchronization of the movements with extreme concentration and the respiration following the rhythm of the exercise.
Benefits from this workshop
During our 2 days workshop you will get basic knowledge from this ancient Chinese wisdom and practice, You will learn 8 Brocades Qi Gong as well as 10 Movements form of Tai Chi Chuan, Yang style. In addition you will get related video links and notes. The most immediate health benefits of TAI CHI AND QIGONG practice are stress release, better focus, improved posture, flexibility, balance, circulation, metabolism and a strengthened immune system. With everyday practice if you continue with exercises you can get better physical strength, concentration, emotional calm and serenity, and mental clarity. These exercises are used to stimulate the central nervous system, lower blood pressure, relieve stress and gently tone muscles without strain. They also enhance digestion, elimination of wastes and the circulation of blood. They can be recommended to anyone, regardless of sex, age, health or level of fitness.
ISIDORA MILOSEVIC – Tai Chi and Qi Gong Master
Since 1995 she has been one of the best students of world famous Tai Chi Master Wang Zeng Xiang. During year 2010 she went to Wu Dang, Taoist mountain in China, to learn Wu Dang Style and Taoist concept of understanding of life from well known master Chen Shi Xing.
She graduated from two Universities – Art Management and Oriental Studies and got master degree in Drama Arts.
For many years she has been teaching and giving workshops for companies such as Telenor, Holcim, Pfizer etc. In Belgrade she established Holistic Center Sphere where she teaches Tai Chi & Qi Gong based on holistic concept.
Mrs. Milosevic is now the President and Chairperson of the IMAF & IKFF Branch in Serbia and Turkey and has 6th DAN of Kung Fu for Tai Chi.
She speaks fluently English, German, Turkish, Serbian and some Spanish and Russian.
5th September 2014
9:00-12:30 Introduction, basic postures & movements, breathing (with 30 min Tea break)
12:30-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-18:00 8 Brocades Qi Gong (with 30 min Tea break)
6th September 2014
9:00-12:30 10 Movements, Tai Chi Chuan (with 30 min Tea break)
12:30-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-16:00 Repetition of Qi Gong & Tai Chi, questions and additional explanations
Registration fee*: 350 Euro
Seminar will be cancelled in case of low number of participants.
-One night accommodation in a special category hotel in Sultanahmet region at 5th September night.
-Transfer from your hotel at 5th September morning and to airport at 6th evening.
-Two lunchs
-Four tea breaks
-Dinner at 5th
-Certificate of attendance
The participants who are interested are kindly requested to contact us via this email address : idile@etixtravel.com

Vikend je vreme za put prirode

Put prirodeTai Chi je nastao posmatranjem prirode. Kao što su drevni ljudi posmatrajući životinje kako se bore, sami stvorili stilove borbe, tako su i posmatranjem ciklusa u prirodi došli do baze kineske tradicionalne medicine i taoističkog shvatanja života.
Na žalost , danas se “moderan čovek” bori sa prirodom, kroti je, iskorišćavaje a malo joj daje. Na taj način radimo sami protiv sebe, što sada,polako i možda malo kasno shvatamo. Čovek uništava i sebe da bi zadovoljio zahtev današnjeg društva da večno ostane mlad i “lep” spolja putem raznih farmaceutskih proizvoda ili estetske hirurgije. Današnji čovek voli konfor i lagana rešenja. Paradoks je u tome da koliko god se trudio da sebi olakša život i sebi ugodi, moderan čovek sve više pati, nesrećan je i otudjen od svoje prave prirode.
Tai Chi i Qi Gong nisu samo vežbe,nego jedno shvatanje života. Iako drevne, hiljadama godina stare kineske veštine, danas su moderan lek za mnoge koji su prihvatili da ih praktikuju.
Vežbajte i vratite se svojoj pravoj prirodi.
Želim vam lep dan.
Tekst napisala Isidora Milošević

Privatni časovi Tai Chi-ja i Qi Gong-a

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Outdoor private classes

Privatni časovi se mogu održvati po vašoj želji u prirodi ili u zatvorenom prostoru u Dositejevoj ulici. Čas traje jedan sat i prilagodjava se u potpunosti vašim potrebama i mogućnostima. U drevna vremena Tai Chi i Qi Gong se vežbao isključivo individualno da bi se znanje učitelja što bolje prenelo učeniku i izgradio dublji odnos i pristup učenju.