Online kurs Tai Chi, Qi Gong, teorija i meditacija

online tai chi čas

Nakon više od 20 godina iskustva u prenošenju ove drevne veštine, oformila sam program koji sam prilagodila online načinu učenja. Neophodno je znati zašto se praktikuje Tai Chi i Qi Gong , jer ovaj metod nije samo fizička vežba.  On u velikoj meri utiče na naš fizičko stanje i poboljšava ga. To je pokret energije u telu, naše životne energije i istovremeno način da usmerimo um i misli u odredjenom pravcu, da se fokusiramo na pokrete, na telo, um i energiju.

To je put da bolje upoznamo sebe i razvijemo svoje potencijale. Misao vodi pokret,  jednostavno je reći da je to suština, ali potrebno je dosta vežbe da bi to u potpunosti ostvarili. Ovakav kocept časa nam to omogućava.

Benefiti su veliki. Od fizičkog jačanja tela, boljeg držanja, preko mentalne fokusiranosti i opuštanja koji teku paralalno, do primene ovih principa u svakodnevnom životu. Poboljšanje zdravstvenog stanja, povećanje životne energije i elana, postizanje uspeha i u drugim sferama i shvatanje holističkog principa u životu.

Online časovi preko Zoom platforme,  počinju od februara, tj. 31. januara,  ponedeljkom od 18h.

Jedan ciklus traje 6 nedelja. Ako neki čas preskočite, dobićete snimak časa uz koji možete vežbati.

Čas traje 75min i ima nekoliko segmenata. Okvirno, čas teče sledećim redosledom:

5-10 minuta meditacije koje će biti vodjene na različite načine inspirisane  raznovrsnim

tradicijama da bi se energetski pripremili

10 min predavanje o principima Tai Chija i Qi Gonga, kineskoj filozofiji i mudrosti, taoističkim i budističkim principima i slčnim temama u kontekstu daljih vežbi i shvatanju motivacije za rad.

20 min vežbe zagrevanja, ravnoteže, snage i elastičnosti

20 min jednog od setova Qi Gong vežbi

20 min Tai Chi elementi ili forme

Za sva dodatna pitanja možete se obratiti na mejl isidoramildao ili na Viber +381637808132

Online časovi preko Zoom platforme,  počinju od februara, tj. 31. januara,  ponedeljkom od 18h. Jedan ciklus traje 6 nedelja. Ako neki čas preskočite, dobićete snimak časa uz koji možete vežbati.

Do početka leta biće održana 4 različita ciklusa, a tokom jula i avgusta u Beogradu će biti organizovana grupa uživo, individualne konsultacije i druženje. Polaznici sva 4 onine ciklusa i petog ciklusa u Beogradu dobiće sertifikat o učešću


Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong Students

Tai Chi CHuan

Dear Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong Friends,

Before you decide to attend my classes I would like that you get know me better.

As you can see from my CV I have bachelor degree at two universities and master degree in arts. So I love to learn and develop myself. During university years I was learning Tai Chi from great Chinese masters and now it is my job, my vocation, my lifestyle. I have lot of experience in teaching Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. I can describe myself as diligent student, enthusiastic teacher  who enjoys helping people and I am always opened for new ideas and looking for more knowledge.

With holistic approach I would like to help people to develop themselves, to find their own balance in life and cope with rising stress, anxiety and uncertainty in life. War in ex Yugoslavia and embargo took my youth and stopped everything for more than decades. Luckily I had Tai Chi that kept me moving on and helped me to stay healthy in my body and mind.

During long period of teaching Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes I have noticed that my students becoming more attuned and aware of themselves. Last few years more and more young people coming to my classes and they say that they must practice in order to stay healthy, physically and mentally. My responsibility is to teach them, the best I can and support them on their path. This integrative approach is something I believe in and I live that through my everyday life. I have learned it through harder way, through my experience.

I had outstanding  good  job as interpreter in Turkish Embassy but my body and soul were suffering. I have got serious problems with my lower back and thanks to great physiotherapist I didn’t go  to operation, just left behind all of the things that were against my true nature and that was the moment of my fundamental change.

Now, I just desire to improve myself and to stay on the right path. For last few years I receive great knowledge and support from highly recognized teachers who come to teach us in Bodhi Path Belgrade, part of Karma Kagyu Lineage, where I study Buddhism and meditate.

I love changes because they are core of Daoist and Buddhist philosophy and I want to help more people as I can to accept and understand the fact that life is always changing,  maybe nowadays faster than ever but we need to know that we have the way and methods how to keep balance and develop ourselves.

With love and respect.

Isidora Milosevic

Tahiland, Mantak Chia method of Tai Chi Qong